Monday, June 06, 2005

Gliding Ants

A scientist from the University of the Texas Medical Branch was on an expedition climbing some 100 feet up in the trees. While he was there, he fought off numerous ants that seemed to come right back after he shrugged them off. Once he did further experiments, he discovered that these ants glided back to the original trunk they came from.
I believe that it is important to know that every species of animal is important so that the next generation may have more knowledge about the world around them.
To find out more about these extraordinary creatures click here.


At 1:30 PM, Linnea said...

Wow, I didn't know ants could glide. What kind of ants are they? Hang gliding ants, huh? They sound like pretty cool ants to me... lol. Well, maybe someone could do more research on these "gliding" ants.

At 3:31 PM, Sean said...

What is the purpose for this gliding ability? I believe they try to avoid hitting the forest floor because the enemy is there. The armored forces of darkness could devour this poor, infinitessimal (I don't want to check the spelling) creature. How long have ants been able to glide? I think they taught themselves when one lone ant decided he would rather live then face the dangers of the "darkside."

At 9:30 PM, Lucy said...

I have never heard of gliding ants. That sounds very interesting.

I think you should add this-"This wasn’t the focus of Yanoviak’s research, but the ever-curious scientist became intrigued. By marking the ants with a spot of white nail polish and capturing impressive video images, Yanoviak proved his initial supposition. In fact, about 85 percent of the falling ants glided to their originating tree trunk.."

At 4:06 PM, scott said...

wo, the ants can fly if I was a ant I woud fly all over the place and not be scared of falling to the grund like they are. he also got another dude to help him. it woud be so cool to fly. theyr so luky.


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