Friday, June 09, 2006

Cloning for the future?

There are two types of cloning, one involves harvesting stem cells from embryos. They can mature into any kind of cell and may help cure many degenerative and auto immune diseases. The other kind of cloning is where a cell of a donor is put into an egg whose own nucleus has been removed. Then the egg is put into a womans womb and a cloned baby is then born 9 months later. People are scared about there being "master races" designer babies "" this is not possible, although people talk about it. Cloning like this can knock out diseases. Cloning for the future.

Click here for more information

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Probiotics or beneficial microorganisms have been thought of as a new way to prevent and treat diseases. Diseases such as diarrhea, tooth decay, skin infections, and autoimmune disorders.
One way that probiotics work is by interfering with the disease causing microbes, making it harder for them to spread disease. They can do this by helping the body’s natural barrier against bacteria. Such as the ones that cause diarrhea.
Another way that Probiotics can work is to actually compete with the harmful bacteria for food and other resources necessary to survival and growth. Therefore only the probiotic would be present and no other bacteria could grow in that area. This can be used in the mouth to prevent cavities and gum disease.
Much testing is still needed but if this can be perfected we could have a whole new way of fighting diseases. For more information please click here.

New Drug Cures HIV!!!

A new anti-viral drug has been tested, and results show that over-coming HIV could be possible! Although the drug is still being tested and won't be available for at least 3 years.
This new miracle drug stops HIV cells from maturing. Other HIV treatments are available and for some people they are working wonders, while others can't seem to get a break. Researchers say this new drug works in a different way. Other drugs stop the HIV cells from replicating- the new drug disrupts the cell altogether. When trialed the new drug cleared most HIV from the blood in only hours. This means bad news for HIV and good news for HIV victims.

Click here,yo.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Bird Flu Updates, Get Em Here!! there a chance bird flu has gotten way out of hand? Recent studies have shown it has spread from Asia to Europe to Africa, whats next the United States? Scientists and health experts are taking this very seriously. Even though health reports say they will not raise the concerns of others greatly we as human beings still need to be cautious.
Lately Indonesia has been a major siting of bird flu where it has appeared and conquered many lives. In Romania quarantine is underway but it is very hard to get every one at once. The federal government is even posting things on the internet such as special medical procedures done to you if you wanted. Another place to keep an eye on is Alaska, it is the most likely source for avion flu to enter in the U.S.
I have about 13 chickens that are owned by my family, but when you see alerts like these it makes you think about could i be one of those unfortunate people who have to live with knowing my birds have bird flu, and become affected or one of my loved ones. I bet atleast someone who reads this owns or knows somebody who owns birds.
Birds used to be the kings of the sky. Animals that native people would worship, people look at their beauty or the classical songs they make. Most even domesticated these creatures. Could the animals that once ruled the sky now bring distruction on us all?

Monday, June 05, 2006

New Way to Cure Tumors

A new way to cure tumors is being researched at the University of California, Berkley (UCB) and also at the University of San Fransisco (UCSF) to inject a bactreium into the bloodstream of a person who has a tumor. The bacterium that can cure this problem of a tumor is know as E. Coli which can cause many intestinal diseases.
For scientists to find a way for it to work in us humans they first need to find create a machine that can perform a sereis of complicated functions. Such a mishape could destroy a persons life for ever.
The procedure wolud be as follows: they would inject the E. Coli through the bloodstream then it would hopefully go into the tumor and then enter into the cancer cell and then they would anticipate that the E. Coli would produce a tumor-killing toxin.

For more on the article click here.

Plant Diseases are Killing Off Chocolate :-(

NNNOOOO!!!!!!! Plant diseases are killing the cocoa bean that makes chocolate! 20% of the cocoa bean population is lost each year due to diseases. The global chocolate market is worth $75 billion annually. Did you know that cocoa is a myocardial stimulant and is considered to be great for heart health. Cornell University had discovered that Cocoa contains twice the anti-cancer antioxidants than red wine, and up to three times of those found in green tea. Cocoa helps stimulate brain function; so eat all the milk chocolate you can. Did you know that chocolate (as Cocoa butter) softens skin, soothes and heals damaged skin, chapped skin and burns and is said to smooth skin wrinkles. All you old people, eat more chocolate.
click here

Dolphins help boy to speak

A six-year-old named Ivan McGaw couldn't talk or cry or show emotion because of a disconection in his brain. (he was born with out part of his brain) After a trip to a dolphin center in Florida he said "Mama" and "Papa" for the first time. The article did not explain exactly how the dolphins helped the boy, but it did talk a little about why the boy couldn't speak or cry. He had a problem with his brain where the right and left side were not connected - the logical side of his brain, and the emotional side of his brain. He never played with other kids or even with his brother. When he felt sad after leaving the dolphins, it was the first time he had ever shown emotion. I'm glad this kid is getting better because it made his mom sad to not be able to help him. click here for more about Ivan.

Scientists ID Possible Cancer-Causing Gene

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas has done experiments and found a possible gene that causes cancer in fruit flies. 2/3 of the genes in fruit flies are similar to humans. The experiment is now being continued at Johns Hopkins Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences
The gene, which researchers call Yorkie, codes for a protein in fruit flies that has a countertpart in humans. Researchers say that it plays the same role in fruit flies as it does in humans, meaning that Yorkie may be a contributor to cancer. The Yorkie gene regulates the size of organs which make it very susceptible to the cancer causing gene. Scientists have also figured out that fruit flies missing the gene hippo, have developed tumors. Hippo produces phosphate that is added to other proteins. Scientists think that another protein is made that causes the cancer.
Members of a research team at the Texas center are currently working on a way to figure Yorkie and Hippo's role in cancer. They hope to find excess amounts of proteins in cancer-infected cells. By indentifying this protein they also hope to reverse the cancer process. See the whole article here

Acid Rain

Acid rain is the result of fossil fuels being burned from both cars factories and even some kinds of power plants. These rains showers have been slowly eating away at our environment, such as the sugar maple tree which is one of the United States most economically valuable trees. They are a source of lumber, syrup, and even attract some tourists during the fall times.
These rain showers have been reducing the percentage of sapling that survives every year, but these numbers where not noticeable up until now. Most of this research was conducted by Stephanie Juice in ’04. They took many samples of the soil from before and even after the rain showers, and the results proved dangerous to the trees. Click here for more information

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Liquorice Ingrediants Prevent Cancer

In this segment It tells of how two certain compounds in liquorice cant cure but prevent primarily liver cancer. Over 2,800 people A year in the united kingdom come down with liver cancer in which about 2,700 die from it. This shows that about nine tenths of those cancer patients die. Surgery is more likely to save the patients but is unsuitable for them. Work and studies in mice by a doctor and biologist of the name Zhi yuan and his team at Nankai University, in China found that liquorice compounds glycerrhetinic acid and glycerrhizic acid, prevent liver cancer.
Their primary results show that they are effective as liver targeting carriers, Clinic trials are to be planned for the future, says Yuan. Glycerrhizic acid is about ten thousand times cheaper and easier to isolate then the antibodies usually used in the liver. Tim Meyer, Medical Consultant Oncologist at the royal free hospital in London agrees that specific drugs for the tissue could provide more effective treatment, because a higher concentration of the drug is delivered to the tumour. Meyer says that, it would reduce the dose of the drug required and severely decrease toxic effects on any other portions of the body.
Liver tumours are very resistant to chemotherapy, the American cancer society estimated that around 18,000 new cases of liver cancer has been diagnosed in the united states this year. and around 16,000 will die.
I found this article about how Liquorice Ingrediants prevent liver cancer in this link

Mutating Caterpillars!,2933,197980,00.html

On Friday June second 2006, researchers at the University Of Southern Maine just recently discovered the mutation of caterpillars to moths. This sudden change occured due to hormonal treatment done to the caterpillar. These treatments are not just changing the caterpillar to a moth it also arrested the caterpillar's growth. This research at USM was conducted by Professor David Champlin, a team of students, and colleagues. Professor Champlin calls this new horomone metamorphosis initiating factor. What this hormone does is that it causes metamorphis in the caterpillar thus causing a reaction for the caterpillar to change.

The information acquired states that the researchers manipulated the caterpillar's diets and with that the researchers created absurd chimeras. The Chimeras had multiple
characteristics. Due to the inabilty to eat properly, the chimeras died of starvation. Even of there short lifespan, still information was gathered from the observation. One of the findings was that instead of eyes on the chimara it had skin cells of a caterpillar. This itself is teaching us how hormones control body growth.

These discoveries contribute to the development of anti-cancer agents. Also a better understanding of long-term infant malnutrition. With this type of research we uphold greater knowledge of how hormones change the body, and a opportunity to use this knowledge to help humans with cancer and long-term infant malnutrition. For all of us its a beautiful oppurtunity to help us, teach us, and let us understand more of our body's functions.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fight against the Bird Flu

Finally after years of hard work, there is a vacine against the bird flu. It protects poultry against bird flu and Newcastle disease. This vacine that took ten years to develop, was developed by Peter Palese. This is an effective and cheap way to vaccinate poulrty.

So far, over 100 people have died from bird flu. Most of these people who got the bird flu were in contact with birds. Therefore if the vaccine is sent out and used on the birds, these people who are in close contact will not get the bird flu. If they don't get it, then they won't spread it on to other people and have many others catch the bird flu.

When this vaccine was tried on chickens, there was almost 100% success. The researchers responsible for this vaccine are asking drug companies about mass production. When this happens, the poultry will get vaccinated and the bird flu will hopefully die.

To read more about this article click here.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Bird Flu

This article is talking about the vast spread of the Bird Flu. Which has become a prodlem because it is found in an species that is all over the world. Bird Flu has also been found in some cats that have eaten birds that have been infected.

They have also found that was discovered in Asia in 1997 has changed. Which makes it even more dangerous. To find out more about this article click here .

Monday, May 29, 2006

Revolution for fight against cancer and viruses

Scientists from the Monash Institute of Medical Research or the (MIMR) have come up with the revolutionary idea that could prevent and possibly even cure cancer and other viruses. And it all starts with RNA.
The scientists have created short interfering RNA or siRNA that can be used in drugs to aid in the fight against cancer and various other viruses. And now they have been able to create siRNA with different properties so they are able to single out other cells and tissues.
Professor Bryan Williams, director of MIMR, has noted that the key to the fight is siRNA but it isn't just siRNA that will be used because it can cause major inflammatory problems. They will create siRNA-based drugs to fight these diseases. Professor Williams is confident that siRNA will have a significant impact on the fight against cancer and other viruses.
To get the full story, click here.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Bacteria can be used to create energy

Recently the American Society for Microbiology in Orlando, Florida, made an astounding discovery. It seems that the answer to our growing energy crisis could be, of all things, bacteria.
Researchers found that when they let bacteria grow on biofilms of electrodes in a special fuel cell (called a microbial fuel cell), there was a 10x increase in electrical output when compared to non-bacterial fuel cells.
How does bacteria provide energy? It was discovered that bacteria have certain protein filaments. These filaments have the ability to transfer electrons across the bacteria, making the bacteria conductive to electricity.
In addition to this new fuel cell technology, bacteria can also be applied to existing forms of energy producers, such as untrapping oil in rocks for more productive oil collection, and in glucose-to-ethanol fermentation.

For more informational material, Click here!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Pot Users- Medical or Personal?

A Supreme Court ruling was held over the use of pot. The case was for federal agents to arrest people using marajuana for both personal and medical uses. The case was also issues those who grew the weed for those people. People that used marajuana for medical purposes complained that the marajuana they were using was strictly for medical reasons and that it helped them continue life.
The outcome was a 6-3 count saying to outlaw the use of marajuana. It is highly debated in the Bush Administration and only certain states should be outlawed of this weed.


Monday, June 06, 2005

Genes assosiated with long life span found.

This is the first study ever done to find out about human jenes that suply a long life span. They had previously known that only a few of these jenes existed in lower creatures, but now this has been found to be true in humans too. 1 in every 10,000 humand has a life expectancy of only 20 years. they have found that these 1 in 10,000 are growing rapidly in the United States. The researchers sought the characteristics to explain the disease-resistance and survival advantage characteristic of a group of individuals age 98 and older. Once those genes are uncovered, scientists would like to understand the biochemical pathways the gene or genes affect to promote longevity. The authors speculate that such insight could lead to the development of drugs that mimic what centenarians possess genetically to escape the adverse consequences of aging.

To check this article out click HERE!

Bed Bugs Threaten Hotels

Some of the finest hotels are suffering in their business due to bed bugs. Their guests will go to bed just fine and wake up with either rashes or bug bites. Figuring these people are staying at four and five star hotels, they will expect the highest amount of service for what they pay for. These bed bugs are causing hotels to lose customers and some have even been sued for these pests. Orkin Inc. has noticed a 20% increase in the amount of bed bugs and other pests located inside of hotel rooms and specifically on the guests beds.
Hotels are susceptible to bed bugs because of easy modes of transportation for the pests. These bugs can easily hitch a ride inside suitcases, on suitcases and even on people, and when the guests enter their hotel room, the bed bugs can rub off on carpeting, bed sheets, and even towels. While you are sleeping, the bugs use barb-like probiscis and drill a hole in the skin to get to the blood where they will eat. These bugs can sometimes go for a few months without eating.
In the past, exterminators used a type of insecticide that killed of different kinds of insects at a time, in recent days, exterminators use chemicals that often times just kill off a certain species of insect which allows the other insects to thrive. Unlike mosquito's though, these "bed bugs" have not been found to carry diseases, instead all they leave behind is itchy, red skin.
I just find it interesting that there are things living all around you and you don't even notice it, and in this case, there has been a 20% increase of bed bugs in hotels and yet you don't even notice them until you get bit by one.
For more information, click here.

Octopus Takes A Walk

Many octopus rely on stealth to remain hidden from their enemies. In order to do this, they can change shape or color. But, as soon an octopus moves, they can no longer remain hidden. This leaves them open to attacks from predators.

Until recently, was believed that octopus could only move by using water propulsion. Then a team of scientist spotted an octopus off the coast of Indonesia actaully walk on two of it's legs. It is believed that by walking the octopus can move and remain hidden at the same time. The scientist who observed this event believe that it will help explain how octopuses move.

This article originally caught my attention when I saw the picture of the octopus walking. I had no idea that octopuses could walk. I didn't even think it was possible for octopusses to walk. It's just one more example of nature's wonders.

See the site here

biological and viral weoponry

military has a program to evaluate the effectivesness of there anti viral compunds these progaram are made to test the function of these viral and bilogical weopons to prevent break out and prevention of a possible viral atack for more check this site out here.