Monday, June 06, 2005

Two separet teams of reseachers , in two differeent locations, discovered a new species of monkeys. the teams discovered this new species in southern Tanzania. they call this ew spiecies the "Highland Mangabey. Experts say that fewer than a thousand highland monkeys exist, and the should soon be put on the endangered species list.

Highland Magabeys are medium sized, with a long off-white colored tails. they also have off-white colored bellies, and are covered with thick brown fur. Their face, hands, feet, and eyelids are black. This species lives in temperatures that drop below freezing, in elevations up to 8,000 feet. Experts say that the Magabey is in danger of being exsticted. It is facing exstition, because their habitat is being elimenated by logers. they are also being hunted for their meat.
I think that the new species of monkey is a great discovery. We have a responseability to protect all of God's animals. We have to protect them so that our childeren can also enjoy them.
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At 7:57 PM, Josh S said...

these monkeys live on a volcano and are different from other monkeys. one way they are different is that they emit a different sound.

At 10:05 PM, Robbie said...

The upright thick upright fur on these animals must be amazing. These creatures can survive in belw freezing temperatures, but that does not mean they are invincible, we need to help them out to preserve this newly discovered species.


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