Monday, June 06, 2005

Killer German Ivy Attacks!!!

Over part of the California coast German Ivy is invading our land. In National forests, mountain areas and small cities is where it has become a problem. It covers trees and other plants not giving them sunlight.
This weed is not the only thing that is terrorizing ecosystems across our nation. There are 79 other species that are costing the U.S. billions of dollars. Getting rid of these things are not easy.
There have been commitees set up for getting rid of these weeds but it takes time this has been in affect for at least 5 years. We learned in Biology at the beginnging of the semester about the seaweed that was taking over the seafloor in Carlsbad. Well, this is like the same thing but on land and takes over, destroying the palnt life that was there first.
I found that arundo another invasive plant is even taking over a creek right in my city and destroying the natural habitat it once had. Im sure these problems will get taken care over time. But the only other problem is that when i looked into other articles i found these things grow very rapidly. Thats why its so hard to control, when these species enter into a new area their is no predator to get rid of it. To read into more click HERE
For pictures on the German Ivy click HERE


At 9:57 PM, Robbie said...

Wow, some of the other invasive plant life similar to this one can grom over 4 inches a day! A total habitat could be destroyed by a single type of plantlife in a short period of time. Amazing event happen everywhere in this world, even plant invasions in our back yards.


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