Monday, June 05, 2006

Do Strict Parents Have Fat Kids?

Studies show that families with stricter rules have a greater percentage of overweight children than families with flexible rules. The studies show that 17% of children with strict parents are overweight, but only 3.9% of children are overweight in families with flexible parents. This may be because children with strict parents are more stressed and use food as a way to feel better.

This also is true with academics and depression. Children of flexible rule-setting parents do better in school and are not as depressed. The study was of mothers and how they treated their children when they were 4, and the children’s weight was later measured when they got into first grade.

When I first read the title I was shocked, I couldn’t understand how this could happen. But now, it seems very logical. The research doesn’t seem to have been very thoroughly done, because the majority of those surveyed were white mothers and the mother’s weight wasn’t considered either to see if that might be a factor in their children’s weight.

Source here.


At 2:59 PM, Alanb said...

Very intersting..i found that it is also 5 times more likely for a strict parent to raise a child.I also learned that the way parents treat their kids affects their food choices. This seems to be a possible explanation for obesity in america

At 7:04 PM, Megan said...

My parents must be very flexible then because I'm skinny. Also, although children of flexible rule-setting mothers avoid obesity, the children of neglectful mothers and permissive mothers are twice as likely to get fat. That means that there has to be a happy medium between setting too strict of rules and being neglectful.

At 7:15 PM, brittney said...

That's really interesting. I would have nevr guessed. To me it always seemed the opposite. Wow, have I been wrong.
I found that if parents just show respect and kindness to their children but still have rules the children will more than likely made good choices about the food they eat. On the other hand, the stricter households have a lot of stress, causing food to be their escape and comfort.

At 10:12 PM, Angela D. said...

i think that this article is very true,their stressed out by the pressure and turn to the wrong thing.however i do think that parents who arent stricted enough dont limit their kids or set boundaries so the kids see eating to much as okay.


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