Monday, June 05, 2006

Let's All Have A Siesta!!!!!!!

Scientists at The University of Manchester have uncovered how brain cells that keep us alert become turned off after we eat. Dr. Denis Burdakov, the lead researcher based in Manchester’s Faculty of Life Sciences says, "We have pinpointed how glucose - the sugar in food - can stop brain cells from producing signals that keep us awake."

His research shows exactly how glucose blocks brain cells that make orexins, tiny proteins that are vital for normal regulation of our state of consciousness. According to Dr. Burdakov they have identified the pore of in the membrane of orexin-producing cells that is responsible for the inhibiting effect of glucose. This mechanism is so sensitive it can detect minute changes in glucose levels - the type that occurs between meals for example.

Dr. Burdakov also says, "This research perhaps sheds light on why our European friends are so fond of their siestas." Now we know that a siesta after a hearty lunch is natural.
If you would like to read this article clike HERE!!!!!!!


At 8:25 PM, Sarah said...

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At 7:03 PM, brittney said...

I found that to be very interesting! Maybe that's why I always want to fall asleep in Spanish, or not.
This makes sense. Your body is craving rest after you eat because your brain cells that keep you conscious are being blocked. Cool! We should request a naptime period!


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