Friday, March 26, 2004

Comment on 'Deformed Frogs'

I always thought that there was no deformed frog. I think that Baulstain, should study the problem and find a solution about deformed frogs, to help them not be deformed. I think frogs are COOL!!!!!

Comment on 'Toxic Yellow Wotms'

I nevr knew that yellow worms were toxic and that they were dangerous, in fact, i never even asked myself why were they yellow? But its ok because i have never like any kind of worms.

Comment on Courtney's Blog

I found the blog very interesting and that male chimps are like men that they are sometimes violent.

Comment on Heathers Blog

yah, i want to know if it is possible for life to live on mars. It would be cool to send it up there and then bring it back and say that this was on mars.

Comment on Courtneys Blog

Wow Courtney that is very interesting, i didnt know that we had a planteoid either. And that it is icy is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really cool.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

We put life on Mars

By sending space probes to Mars we have in a way made it possible to say that there is life on Mars. The next step is seeing if bugs and plants from earth can survive life on Mars.

comment on Andy Unke's blog

I had no idea that there was a new "planetoid" named Sedna. I also didn't know that it was 3/4 the size of the planet Pluto. I found it interesting that it is a string of icy objects in the solar system.

Comment on "Smallpox Found" -Matt P

It's scary to think that such a weapon can be used against us in war. If it is true that there are other sources to smallpox in countries we are in war with, then we can only hope that those countries will not make us face such a horrific crisis.

comment on Justin Campbell's blog

I didn't know that you only have six minutes to go into cardiac arrest. I found it pretty interesting because I learned about it. I also didn't know that there are certain steps you are supposed to take.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

chimps behaving badly

About 30 years ago, a man by the name of Richard Wrangham was studying chimps in Tanzania. Richard is now a professor at Harvard University and has his own research center in Uganda, Africa. He then made a new theory called the Demonic Male Hypothesis. This theory states that human and chimpanzee males share a capacity for violence because of our common ancestor having a genetic predisposition for violence.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Reasearchers dicovered a way to prevent hepatitus b in women.

If you have breast cancer and your on chemo and had hepititus you can be more likely to reduce hepititusand hbv reactivation.The laumivudine in the chemo-theropy reduces the incidenceof hepititus and HBV reaction.The chemo-theropy supresses the imune system and therefore allows the virus to replicate.The patients with the hrpitius b virus who are on chemo may end up dead because of the slight chance of developing HBV. Read more.

human breasts grown on mice

Researches have found that it works to see how cancer grows by transplanting human breast tissue on lab mice. The reason they did this was because the disease is slightly different with mice than with humans. So they transplanted human tissue to make a better more precise model. Now they can transfer two different kinds of breast cells by taking fibroblast tissue from women who had a breast reducuction surgery. The process that goes along with this transfer helps the cells survive which was a problem before. Now the mice develop cancer practically the same way as humans do. With all the research they have done so far it has been a big advancement in figuring out the spread of cancer and methods to preventing it. nature .com

Comment on Rachel west Nile virus

Only Alaska, Hawaii, and Oregon have not reported this virus. Researchers expect it to continue to spread in wild life. To prevent the risk of infection protect yourself from mosquito bites.

Comment on Rachel's Amphibian Deformities

That is pretty cool that the amphibians can grow extra limbs and extra eyes. On Animal Planet I saw a deformed amphibian with about sixteen pairs of legs. I thought that was pretty weird. Nice blog!

Comment on Tommy's Helen Pearson

I hope the scientists find a way to stop the prions from starting. That is weird how the disease takes on different forms to kill your brain. I hope they find an antidote for that disease.

Monday, March 22, 2004

comment on smoking outdoors

Smoking outdoors does not actually help. It is the same thing as smoking in restaurants. Even though, there is a nonsmoking section, it doesn't change the fact that smoke passes to the "supposedly" smoke free side. It doesn't really apply to California, but I know in Arkansas you can smoke in restaurants. The people are making everyone exposed to what they choose to put into their body. I know I have inhaled plenty of second hand smoke just from eating in smoky places. Parents should also stop smoking so that they don't harm their kids. Don't they know they are making their kids sick? They should be more aware and concerned for their children's well-being. Smokers need to quit endangering others lives. Before anyone tries their first cigarette, they should think of who they're really helping. The answer is no one.

comments on Sylvantic plague

Both male and female flea transmit the disease. The flea spreads the disease mainly in Africa, South America, and Asia. Wild rodents in certain parts of the world are infected with the plague.

Heart attack advice

When a person goes into cardiac arrest you have at most six minutes to save someone's life. Some signs of cardiac arrest are faints or collapses suddenly, stops breathing, has no pulse,or they may have twitching muscles. If you think a person has gone into cardiac arrest the best thing to do is call 911. The next step you want to do is give them CPR. Fast emergency care is what can make the difference between life and death. Read more here.

Comment on Aaron's cloned embryos

With cloned embryos, it's closer for man to clone a human in the near future. History has shown that we have done things for the good of man only to abuse it. For example when the machine gun was invented the inventor thought it would bring world peace. Many men have done things to help mankind only to make life harder for the world.

Comment on Seeping on it.

I never knew that sleeping a full eight hours could actually make you smarter. I always thought that was an excuse for parents to get you to bed early.

comment on new planet

If there were actually a new planet, would kids in school have to memorize it for a quiz in addition to all of the other nine planets? That would be bad.

Comment on Gwen's extinct animal

All of the evidence that these monkeys are still alive are all dead. With all of this evidence maybe now they are extinct. It would be a shame to find out that the animal became extinct because of mistakes or an attepmt to find the animal.

"Sedna" A new planet?

Scientists have found a new planetoid. They call it Sedna. The scientist are not sure yet if they can classify Sedna as a planet or a giant asteroid. Sedna is about 3 quarters the size of Pluto and covered in ice. It was found in The Kuiper Belt but much bigger than any asteroid.

commit on bird flu

That is sad that they have to kill the chickens to stop the spread of this disease. If they have to this too many people will most likely die from not having anough food. It is good that they are trying to stop this spread of this disease to go into other country.

Friday, March 19, 2004

deformed frogs

Some researchers thinkthe answer to why the frogs are becoming deformed is partly related to the human ecosystems, specially fertilizer and cow manure is waching inot the ponds,said Andrew Blaustein. He is a profesor of zoology,:"We think the fertilizer is causing more
algae." Baulstein said," More algae means more snails to eat the algae. More snails means moere parasites (because they live in the snails). More parasites means more malformed frogs."
go to:

Rare stem cells appear to drive cancers

While some brain tumors can be treated, others can kill you. These bad cells come from a few select cells from the tumor. They then cause new full formed tumors. These are the bad stem cells. Researchers think that the bad cells may come up mutations in the normal original stem cells. These rare cells, researchers think are the cancer stem cells. In leukemia stem cells have a protein called CD34. Besides this disease, scientists have found other diseases that are forming bad stem cells. They are finding new things that happen with the disease. Read more.

comment on four winged dinosaur fossil

Scientists really found a new fossil. Thats cool. well it was probably some kind of bird. If it glided i guess, but on the otherhand there could be a dinosaur that could just glide and not fly or antything. So reading the name it sounds like it was a little raptor. Do they know anything else about it?


While the bird flu is spreading all through southeast asia, chickens are being killed. They are trying to stop the disease from being spread any further. Now human cases are showing up all over the place and the World Health Organization is scared that this could be the next pandemic. go to:

Comment on Hiv-blocking cell in monkeys

Wow!Scientists have found a protien in monkeys to try to prevent Hiv. I hope they can make a vaccine out of it. In monkeys, we probably would never think to find it there. Hope it can work properly for the disease and help scientists finally find a vaccine. It would make people feel a lot more safe now. It will help people who already have it and prevent others from getting it.

FrogWeb-Amphibian Deformities

Amphibian deformities have occured in at least 44 states. Some of the malfromations on the amphibians: extra legs,extra eyes, misshapen or not completely formed limbs; missing limba and missing eyes. The range of these occurrences of the malformations in local populations is that its at least as high as 60% in some places. Most of the scientists believe that this is not "natural." They think some things causing this problem are parasites, contaminants, and UV rays. Well they are still researching this problem with the deformities of these amphibians. go to this website for more information:

Thursday, March 18, 2004

comment on conjoined twins

To force children to live as "freaks" because of being conjoined is just wrong, so when the doctors separate them successfully, it is a wonderful thing. wow, only 2 inches left!

Comment on the sleep makes you smart

Thats not right. I haveknown insomniacs that are really smart. too bad that they are clearly insane, but that is funny because crazy people make me laugh. Sleep also caused for regaining of memories so that is cool. Nice work

coment on the sylvatic plague

That is good to know. If I feel a plague coming on, I will see a doctor. IT is kind of scary having more disease in our country. It was probably the supersized meals that did this. IT is strange that it is caused by rats so most it must be in the bigger cities than temecula. Nice Post.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

comments on Potential plant

If there is a way to create a new plant, why don't we just create one that can produce alot of food to stop world hunger? Or one that produces twice as much oxygen as a normal plant?

Coment on rats

I read the article on rats dreaming. If rats can dream, then do they have rational thoughts? In a pet store they see there siblings and friends killed for snake food. DO they know that they will be prisoners of the same fate? If they can dream, arn't they smarter than we give them credit for?

Thursday, March 11, 2004

comment on west nile virus

The west nile virus usually results when there is stagnant water present, this attracts mosquitos which then spread the virus. This virus is not contagious and only is put into play when a mosquito bites a human. Mostly found in areas of high humidity and rainforest weather.

comment on plant-fighting cancer

Thats so cool. Scientists found a plant that can actually fight cancer. Probably not all but thats ok. Hope they find more fighting plants or treatments for all the cancers. Its interesting how the scientist experimented on a plant to find treatments for cancers. Hope it works out well.

Monday, March 08, 2004

comment on cloning human embryos

I don't think it is right for scientists to be cloning human embryos. That will just lead to cloning humans. God created man in his own image, and he gave us a way to make more humans so we should just leave it at that. If scientists end up cloning humans successfully, people might think that nothing is really impossible. This would lead to others thinking God isn't that powerful and that they don't need him. He made man out of dust, and cloning is not as spectacular as that. Besides that, I think Aaron did a good job describing what the scientists are doing and what they plan to do in the future.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Sylvatic Plague

This inparticular plague is caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis. A person gets this by getting bitten by a small bug. During the middle ages thousands of people died from this plague. This is is now treatable, but if you have it and do not get it checked out you're going to die. Read more here.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Four-winged dinosaur fossils found

Scientists from China found fossillzed remains if a dinosaur with four feathered wings that they probably used for gliding. The type of dinosaur was known as microraptor, which was about one yard long. Read the article here.

Monday, March 01, 2004

west nile virus

The west nile virus had first appeared in the united states. West nile virus has been found in humans, horses, misquitoes,and birds since 1999. its been found in 47 states so far. In 2002, 284 people had died of the virus. Other people inffected with the virus were affected, but had experienced mild or no symptoms,and never were tested.
On November 13,2003, the Centers for Disease Control(CDC) has confirmed from the state agencies of 8219 of cases of WNV for the year, coming in with 182 deaths. The risk of getting the virus is low. A little less than 1% of people bitten by mosquitoes can develop serious problems form the virus. others have flu like symptoms or sometimes no symptoms. The elderly and the ones with a weak immune system can have the risk of getting it easier. More info here.